Monday, November 30, 2009

Keys for Jewellery

Apparently Alicia Key will be designing her own jewellery line. It's meant to inspire but the inly thing it's inspiring me to do is save my money. Prices are around the $85 range, which is the amount I spend on about 2-3 outfits. I feel like crying.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

R.I.P. Daul Kim

Oh my. This is very shocking news for me to hear...even now. A few days ago I learned that Daul Kim, a rising international model from South Korea, has unfortunatly passed away. She was found hanged in her apartment in Paris and it's being ruled as a suicide.

There's not much for me to say since I only recently started to get into her. She seemed original and inspiring. A person that wasn't afraid to admit lonliness just to help others get throught theirs. She will be missed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Apparently...I should be an editor.

I know quizzes like this shouldn't be taken seriously, but I was in slight shock. Then I wasn't...
I make no sense to myself...Hah!

But when you think about it...I like talking about my style, reading what others think, looking at other people's styles and blogging about it. No duh...That's why I created this blog! Hehe.

Hmm...I'm going to try this again. I wonder what I'm going to get...(be a designer like Karl Lagerfeld!)

And welcome.

Welcome to my personal fashion-centered blog site, FLEURIRAI.

I took an interest into fashion when I was just 8 years old. However, 8 years later, my eye began to scope out fashion as something more than simple things to hide private parts and warm bodies. It sees something more than fabric and thread. Style, co-ordination, trends, & statements. Bold, safe, I'm going to school, I'm trying to get a raise, I'm getting married, I lost someone close to me--statements. ETC.
I have so many interests, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses that I really don't know what I want to do after highschool, in the real world. Where the wild things are. The only thing I know I want to do for certain is to attend and graduate University. What should I pursue as something beyond a simple hobby? I really don't know. That's why I created this fashion blog, as a way to explore and express my interest in fashion. Hopefully this blog would make the decision easier.
There's a much more interesting "about me" at the side to your right. So I'll just exclude it from this entry. I'll do my best to update this blog about once a week. So please check it as often as possible! :D